With Cabellas selling prepper kits, gun laws becoming more strict, and Carhart becoming fashionable, thinking about the apocalypse is a necessary part of every dinner table conversation.

Before buying out all the ammo at your local gun shop and cleaning out your grocery store, you should consider researching the basics. Buying basic fencing and essential plumbing and electricity alternatives will go a long way after the world has ended.

Defend and Protect

Making your home a fortress is paramount when preparing for battle with wandering marauders. While it may not appear strong, chicken wire is a great way to keep people out of your home. You will want to invest into heavier fences (concrete, cinderblocks, barb wire, etc.) but chicken wire will be great to have around.

It will also help keep unwanted critters from hurting your crops when planting season comes.  Buying materials that can have multiple uses will help you in the long run.

Keeping Your Fortress a Home

Maintaining some normal behavior will keep you sane and keep your family from getting cabin fever. Buying a generator can help you keep your family happy, healthy, and clean months into the apocalypse. Buying a natural gas powered generator can be a good idea if you are close to a gas station or you are in a suburban area. If you have a reliable source of fuel natural gas generator for sell will be less expensive than its electric counter part.

You can also purchase a natural gas electric generator. These are great because it can work off of natural gas. When you lose that resource it can be converted into a solar powered generator. Be sure to research how to convert generators online long before the apocalypse. You do not want to be stuck with a generator you are unable to use.

If you are able to buy used, you should. Used onan diesel generators for sale will last longer than most since they run off diesel and can be converted when necessary. Cummins diesel generators are also a good brand that will hold throughout the end of days and if you can buy one used, you will be able to spend more on other important things like fuel, water, and food.

Making Spam into Steak

All that time you have spent on Pinterest may have been a good idea. Anytime you find a cheap, quick recipe you should write it down. Making healthy, filling food for your family will be essential after the end of days. This will keep them alert, healthy, and ready to keep on fighting. You should also consider incorporating food you grow into the recipes so you will never have to worry about running out of food. With a green thumb and apron in the kitchen you have a better chance of survival.

Stay Positive

After society has fallen apart, people are looting in the streets, and entire infrastructures have collapsed you should still have a smile on your face. Try to remind yourself of what you have instead of what you don’t. By keeping hope alive you are more likely to get out sticky situations.

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