Renovations can be a pain to manage. What started off as a simple desire to freshen up your home suddenly has you swamped in little details you have to make a decision on. Things like whether or not you want off-white paint or not-quite-white paint on your walls. Or which direction you want the grain of your wood flooring to go.

Unfortunately the details don't stop there. Decision after decision about things you never dreamed you should (or would) have an opinion on. Yet here you are, debating between Hickory Hardware hinges and cabinet hinges by Amerock. And so it goes.

When you're making these highly detailed decisions on whether to go with regular or decorative bathroom hooks, remember that while these issues aren't non-existant, they are smaller in the grand scheme of your renovation.

It is perfectly valid to spend time checking out Amerock hardware or Hickory Hardware's offerings. However, ultimately you are going to be spending your time noticing the bigger picture of the renovations you're accomplishing.

Bathroom cabinet hardware should be boiled down to several factors: is it easy to use, and will it hold up to frequent use? If the aesthetics are specifically matching your interests, all the better, but as long as your hardware isn't distracting, you're going to be pleased.

You can't, however, order up a set of hardware for your bathroom or kitchen hoping that they'll hold up. Go and read some reviews of the manufacturers you're looking at. If people have had problems with their products breaking, you'll read about it.

Aside from that, pay attention to the specifics of use of the hardware. If you're debating between Amerock knobs or handles, just go with what you find easiest to use. Some people like having a handle to pull with, others enjoy the versatility of a knob.

If you've got a selection of hardware which is durable and is used the way you want, you can then look at aesthetics. A quick value judgement is usually good enough—you'll know at a glance when a knob clashes with the rest of the visual effect you've set up.

All of the details surrounding renovation is hard enough to contemplate without spending too much time on the details you're unlikely to think about after installation. Which is why durability and use (and to a lesser extent, making sure the look isn't distracting) are the big factors in your hardware purchase.

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