I have been sewing, making clothing, reconstructing, and quilting on and off now for a few years. Since I was ten I have been embroidering, sewing, or making new patterns for clothes. Making quilts, reconstructions, clothes, or sewing anything can be complicated if you don’t have the right tools. A fabric may be really pretty but if it is meant for upholstery you probably shouldn’t use it to make a dress out of it. Here’s a few tips to make sure each piece you make is stitched to perfection.


Know what you’re making. If you’re using it to make clothing, use breathable cotton fabric with a bit of stretch to it. If you’re quilting, you may want to use a thicker material that can support the weight of the blanket. You do not want a fabric that is too sheer. The thread will rip right through it.


Thread comes in different materials. Thickness, consistencies, and a plethora of other varieties are all aspects you should consider when buying thread. If you are making furniture pieces with thread, you will want thick, strong thread. It should also have some elastic in it so it can also move with the fabric when you, your family, or your guests are using it.


Measure twice and cut once! Even though everyone’s annoying Home Ec. teacher yelled that at them it is good advice. Make great patterns or use reliable ones and be sure to follow the measurements exactly.  By doing so you won’t have to worry about weird angles and what to do with that extra flap of fabric hanging off your sofa.

Sewing Machine

If you’re using a sewing machine, quilting, clothes making or crafting, be sure to keep up with maintenance and use the right materials.  When using machine quilting designs, always plan out each section precisely. By doing so you can graduate from simple quilt block patterns to more complex work with time.

Make Neat Stuff

Don’t be afraid to fail. Try new patterns, new ideas, and experiment with fabrics and colors. If you are going to make your work a part of your home, or someone’s gift, make it unique and fun. While it may not be perfect the first time, with practice you will get better.
12/31/2014 12:06:05 am

A fabric may be really pretty but if it is meant for upholstery you probably shouldn’t use it to make a dress out of it. Here’s a few tips to make sure each piece you make is stitched to perfection.


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