As the seasons heat up and summer approaches, you might be thinking about having an outdoor gathering of one kind or another. A birthday party, a luncheon, a wedding or an anniversary are all great ideas, but what are you going to do when people start to overheat? You certainly don't want people falling over, overcome by heatstroke, and fainting right in the middle of your party.

You could just have the party indoors, but what fun is that? Winter is over! It's time to enjoy the weather, wear short sleeves and sandals, and get a little sun again! If you're determined to have your party outside, then you'll want to look into outdoor misting fans. A mister fan isn't a man with an amusing last name, its a fan that distributes cool, life-saving water in a fine mist. People don't end up drenched, they just end up cool and relieved.

A fan mister is similar to a portable misting fan you might take with you to the beach. You know the ones; they look like spray bottles but with a small fan and a trigger than can cause the fan to spin while water is sprayed in a fine mist in one direction. Fan misters are widely used just about everywhere 'outdoor gathering' meets 'high quality', as nobody likes to spend their days sweating, dry-skinned, and way too hot.

For a more intense misting, you can turn to high pressure misting. This is more like the kind of misting you see at water parks, where you can stay wet while hanging out between rides or another dive into the pool rather than having to lay out on a chair and dry off, only to get wet again. That change in temperatures can be a real doozy, after all!

Setting up a misting system isn't difficult at all. If you have any kind of overhang, such as a lattice or a sturdy tree, your backyard can have its own misting system for those times when the kids want to go out and play or you want to relax outside for awhile. Imagine setting up a lounge chair or a hammock under a fan mister. Won't that just be the best way to laze away on a Sunday afternoon?

They're inexpensive, easy to use, and a simple way to enjoy the outdoors. Why not get one for yourself, and stop hanging out at the local pool all the time? People are starting to talk.

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